Am I a Bully Quiz: Self-Assessment Questions to Reflect on Your Behavior

Bullying can have serious effects on individuals, both those who are bullied and those who bully. It is a big deal and should not be taken lightly. Understanding whether your behavior might be considered bullying is an important step in fostering a healthier, more respectful environment for everyone. This quiz will help you reflect on your actions and attitudes to determine if they might be perceived as bullying. Please answer honestly.

Am I a Bully Quiz: Answer Honestly with 50 Questions

  1. Do you often make fun of people in a way that hurts their feelings?

Before you begin, consider the following questions as a checklist to self-assess your behavior and identify if you are engaging in bullying:

  1. Have you ever spread rumors about someone, whether true or false?
  2. Do you exclude others from group activities on purpose?
  3. Do you frequently criticize others in a harsh manner?
  4. Have you ever physically hurt someone, even if it was “just a joke”?
  5. Do you use sarcasm to belittle others?
  6. Do you feel pleasure when you see someone embarrassed or upset?
  7. Have you ever threatened someone to get what you want?
  8. Do you use social media to post negative comments about others?
  9. Do you make negative comments about someone’s appearance or abilities?
  10. Do you often interrupt others when they are speaking?
  11. Have you ever intentionally ruined someone’s belongings?
  12. Do you laugh when others make mistakes or fail?
  13. Do you pressure others to do things they don’t want to do?
  14. Have you ever shared someone’s personal information without their consent?
  15. Do you dominate conversations and dismiss others’ opinions?
  16. Have you ever mocked someone for their beliefs or values?
  17. Do you make others feel unwelcome in social settings?
  18. Have you ever used physical force to intimidate someone?
  19. Do you enjoy making others feel inferior to you?
  20. Have you ever blamed someone else for your mistakes?
  21. Do you spread gossip to feel more powerful or popular?
  22. Have you ever isolated someone socially as a form of punishment?
  23. Do you ignore people when they try to speak to you?
  24. Do you often compare others unfavorably to yourself?
  25. Have you ever stolen or hidden someone’s possessions to upset them?
  26. Do you feel the need to control others?
  27. Have you ever publicly humiliated someone?
  28. Do you make others feel guilty to get your way?
  29. Have you ever used someone’s weaknesses against them?
  30. Do you disregard others’ feelings when making decisions?
  31. Have you ever lied about someone to get them in trouble?
  32. Do you feel powerful when others are scared of you?
  33. Have you ever made fun of someone for their accent or language?
  34. Do you belittle others’ achievements to make yourself look better?
  35. Have you ever mimicked someone’s behavior to mock them?
  36. Do you frequently give backhanded compliments?
  37. Have you ever encouraged others to exclude someone?
  38. Do you feel justified in your actions when you bully?
  39. Have you ever laughed at someone being bullied?
  40. Do you hold grudges and use them to manipulate others?
  41. Have you ever taken credit for someone else’s work?
  42. Do you often use derogatory names or labels for others, including kids’ names?
  43. Have you ever made someone cry intentionally?
  44. Do you enjoy creating conflict between others?
  45. Have you ever physically blocked someone’s way as a form of intimidation?
  46. Do you tease people about their insecurities?
  47. Have you ever used someone’s past mistakes against them?
  48. Do you often use threats to enforce your will?
  49. Have you ever told someone they are worthless or insignificant?
  50. Do you engage in cyber bullying by intimidating, spreading rumors, or insulting others through the internet or text messaging?

Your turn to take action: Talk to a Trusted Adult

Reflecting on these questions can provide insight into your behavior and how it may affect others. Bullying impacts both the person being bullied and the bullies, affecting their emotional and behavioral well-being. If you find that many of your answers suggest bullying behavior, it’s important to seek help from a school teacher, guidance counselor, or school psychologist and make changes to foster more respectful and positive interactions. Additionally, talking to a trusted adult can provide the support and guidance needed to address these issues. Remember, talking to someone about bullying can help develop a plan to change the situation. Bullying can have a significant impact on kids, leading to emotional problems and risks. For more resources on personal development and improving your relationships, visit and explore our wide range of articles and guides designed to help you grow and succeed in all aspects of life.

*Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.

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